my journey
Today I was made to feel incredibly worthless. I was made to feel that I was not Jewish enough and that my education was not good enough. I was not allowed to stand by myself in the kosher for passover kitchen. I needed a supervisor. I apparently do not know the laws of kashrut as they pertain to passover well enough to watch water boil for soup. I participated in the passover preparations at Hillel last year. I am a Jewish Studies major, a religious school teacher, and the daughter of two practicing Jews who both work in a synagogue. I believe that I am well versed in the customs and traditions associated with Passover. However, some do not. I am not sure whether this person did not value my knowledge, education or experience because I am a reform Jew, I am not as traditional as he is, or because I am a woman, or because he has talked to other people about the laws of kashrut for passover more so than he has talked to me. No matter what the reason, I felt completely worthless. That nothing I did was valuable or appreciated. That my efforts to bring new religious programming to Penn State are not respected or supported by this person. 
But why do I need his respect? I am the type of person who needs to be respected in response to my respect for someone else. And in this case, I certainly am not feeling the respect I feel I deserve in response to the respect I have shown him and his beliefs. Just because I may not be as observant as he is, I do understand his customs, at least what he does, maybe not why he does them. I feel I deserve the same courtesy that I am showing him. Today I certainly did not get that, and it made me feel completely worthless.  

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