my journey
What a first week. After arriving back to campus late Sunday night, it has been non-stop. From setting up the apartment, getting books for classes, catching up with friends, meeting with advisors, going to Welcome Back BBQs, to orientation, there is so much going on. And then an earthquake strikes! 

And while this is my third year starting at Penn State, for some reason, getting into the swing of things this semester seems to be taking much longer than it has in the past. I've been looking forward to coming back to school for about a month now--done with sitting at home watching countless hours of Netflix on my computer, ready to have assignments to complete and readings to get read. Yet my to do list for this week keeps getting longer--I don't feel like I've been able to cross things off. Maybe it's just that I keep finding other things to do and I am worrying about what I still have to complete rather than the tasks I've already finished. Maybe it's because I keep changing where I'm writing my to-do list and the lists are never the same. Maybe I need to take a step back, relax and let life happen without all the worry. Hopefully this weekend will provide some insight.