my journey
This morning I walked to Brit Shalom like I do every Sunday morning. My walk consists of a stop at Starbucks, a run in with a few people on their way to church and sighting of the occasional plate or McDonald's wrapper or empty beer can from the previous nights' festivities. Today, however, my walk was much more crowded. I was shocked with how many people were up and about at 845am on a Sunday. I was expecting an elevation in the amount of litter, but I was not expecting to see a car accident on my walk. I have to admit that it made me embarrassed to see what Penn Staters and their visitors do during this "holiday." This is still our school, this is still our home. We need to respect it and more importantly make sure that our guests respect our town. Would you let your friends behave like that at home? I would certainly hope not. If you go visiting another school, how would you behave? Why does traveling somewhere else make it okay to be rude and disrespectful? Is it because you don't have to deal with the mess and the clean up and the reputation that comes along with "celebrating?" Throughout Saturday, my facebook newsfeed was covered with posts from friends who go to other schools coming up to Penn State to get wasted and friends from Penn State telling the visitors to go home and stop acting so horribly. Clearly this "event" is not for the Penn Staters, but rather for their friends who want to come to what was "the number one party school in the country." We should really reconsider who this event is for and what it says to others about our school. 

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