my journey
This week, Steven wrote in his blog about the end of the semester blues. And while I have been in his shoes, I am thankful that this semester I am not. He spoke about the influx of school work that really make him question what's the purpose of his work here. He knows what he wants out of school, but has to work that much harder to see the purpose of theory and discovery as he calls it. I admire his comment where he said he just needs a reminder from the people around him of why he's here studying at Penn State. I guess one of the big differences between myself and Steven is that he came to Penn State knowing what he was going to study and what he was going to do after school. I however came thinking one thing and then found my passion during my career here. When I got overwhelmed and lost sight of my purpose, rather than looking for reminders of hope, I found a new direction where my classes and extracurriculars reminded me everyday of what and why I was studying here. When Steven asked, "why am I stressing about an engineering question" he answered it knowing that application of what he was learning was much more important in the long run than the specific details of chemical orientation. On the other hand, when I asked myself the same question two years ago, my answer was "I don't know" and promptly switched my major. I give Steven credit for sticking with his program and I wish him all the best of luck in the next two weeks! I, however, am enjoying the last weeks of senior year from the comforts of my apartment and the various lawns around campus as I relax with some netflix and a good book. :)

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