my journey
I was going to write this blog about hearing Arianna Huffington speak as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series that SPA sponsors each year. It was quite an inspirational speech and it spoke to me on a number of different levels. She talked about how women are going to be the leaders of the next generation, how sleep is a vital component to making ourselves more efficient and how we need to stand up for ourselves and make sure our voices are heard. It was a better lecture than I was expecting. But this is not what I want to blog about. 
This week, I blog about the best weekend of the year. I've been kind of removed from THON this year. Freshman year, I went on a few canning weekends, really got to know the Hillel THON group and was a member of the OPPerations committee. Last year, I wasn't able to can because of working on Sunday mornings but I was a member of OPP again. This year, I couldn't can because of work, and a poor experience with OPP prevented me from joining a committee again. THON wasn't really apart of my life except for posting YouTube videos and status on facebook and sending out THONvelopes to my family. 

But then THON weekend arrived. Two of my really good friends were dancing in addition to a bunch of other friends (great job, Marla!). As soon as I got to the BJC at 6pm on Friday, I did not want to leave. I ended up staying for 25 consecutive hours before finally going home for a brief nap on Saturday night, only to wake up at 4am to go back and stand for the rest of THON. 

I wanted to stay to support these two incredible awesome girls who were giving all they could to support this cause and the kids. I wanted to stay because this was the first year I didn't have to be on shift (not to mention that my apartment is at the other end of town). I didn't want to miss one hour of THON and am kind of upset for missing as much as I did. I never though dancing would be something I wanted to do, but after staying at THON for as long as I did this year, I am certainly considering it. 

THON was different because I THONed for my dad. I had a personal connection to it that made this year so much more meaningful for me. I was a little more emotional thinking about what I could have missed with my dad, especially when one THON child was singing about how he loved to spend time with his dad. 

THON was different this year because our school has been through so much. And I know everyone is talking about it, but this truly was an incredible feat for the Penn State community to achieve. We worked so hard, and we worked for the kids. There is so much more meaning in this weekend because it is not about ourselves. There is no greater act of kindness than to do something without being asked for someone by whom we do not need to be thanked. 

THON is Penn State as Jay Paterno said during his speech. This is what Penn State is all about. Not the riots and the partying and the drinking: the kids. 

I would also like to comment that Hillel has the cutest THON child in the entire world. Thank you Caitlin, Brittany, Melissa, Brittany, Tyler, Layn and his family and Sarah and her family as well as all of Hillel benefiting THON. This was the best weekend ever and I cannot wait to see what we do next year. FTK!

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