my journey
I've been spending a lot of time recently thinking about what I want to do with my life. It feels that I have to decide everything this week. And while I know that's not true, I do have some decisions I want to make about where I want to focus my studies and what I enjoy doing. 
At the moment, I am a double major in Biochemistry and Jewish Studies. I am currently enrolled in 21 credits and have a job, an internship, and I am a member of the PLA. Next semester I have to choose if I want to study Jewish studies or Biochemistry. My schedule won't allow for both. I have had several conversations with my parents and peers--people with different relationships to me so that I can make sure I talk about this decision with a full perspective. I have not done anything about this decision--dropping classes or filling out paper work because I may change my mind with these conversations. 

What I have concluded is that I want to continue to pursue a Jewish Studies major. I can see myself having multiple careers with this degree and I can see myself being really happy in any one of them--religious school director, rabbi, teacher, Hillel director, educator at a Hillel. I'd have options. With a biochemistry degree my choices seem to be research--research in industry or academic research, but research nonetheless. It feels one track with not many choices or room for exploration into other career paths. 

In terms of classes, I don't have to take that many more for Jewish studies--only two more classes are required. However, I want to take about 6-7 more classes because the topics interest me and I want to learn about them. With Biochemistry, there are 15 more required classes and they feel required. I would be taking the classes just to take the classes, not because I want to learn about them or am curious in what they are offering me, but because I have to take them in order to get this degree. 

I don't want to rule out the science as a profession though. I still want it to be an option if I change my mind later and realize I do want to do that research all day every day. So, if I change the major down to a minor, I would have the basic lab and educational requirements to go to graduate school for biochemistry, but I would not be burdening myself for the rest of my college career with classes that I do not want to take. 

I am planning on applying to Schreyer Honors College later this spring for Jewish studies, allowing me to explore an aspect of Judaism I want to learn more about and write a thesis on during my college career. Schreyer would keep me busy with honors classes and thesis research. I would stay for a fourth year and have something to do with my time. And I would not be taking semesters of 21 credits, 14 of which being science related. 

The conversations are still happening, but this is where I am so far. I'll keep you posted when I make more decisions. 

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